The members of the Conseil are representatives appointed by religious authorities of heritage building owners, and by people concerned with the organization’s goals and activities.
The Board of Directors is composed of eighteen people elected by members
of the General Meeting. It supervises the senior management, approves
its strategic planning, and sees to the proper functioning of the
Tables de concertation régionales.
The Executive Committee is made up of five people elected from within the Board of Directors, including the president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary. It develops and proposes strategies and recommendations to be submitted to the Board of Directors.
The Management is responsible for managing the program Soutien à la restauration du patrimoine religieux, and ensures that projects respect administrative protocols and procedures. It is in constant contact with the various regions via the presidents, secretaries and representatives of the Ministère at the Tables de concertation régionales. It also plans projects (inventories, seminars), assembles research files (modern churches, religious tourism), and develops communication tools (Web site, newsletters) to ensure religious heritage protection.
The Regional roundtables are made up of laity
and clergy representatives of the ownership traditions of heritage
buildings, of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications, and of heritage experts (historians,
architects, etc.). In each of the regions of Québec, they disseminate
information on the program, receive requests for financial assistance,
recommend restoration projects according to budget allowances, and
assist in project follow-up.
The Church Organ Committee brings together experts from Québec’s
major music schools. It is responsible for analyzing files and advising
the Tables de concertation régionales on various organ restoration
programs. The mandate of the members of this committee consists in
defining the value and features of heritage organs, identifying admissible
work, and ensuring that all restorations are carried out according
to the rules of the art and heritage character of the instrument.
The Volet 2 Committee is composed of experts from reputed museums
institutions. It is responsible for recommending project involving
the restoration of works of art and objects of heritage interest in
stage 2 of the program.
The Archives Committee aims to encourage community and religious
tradition representatives to ensure the long-term survival of their
archives in order to guarantee their testimonial value for future
The Coordinating Committee is made up of eight members, including
four appointed by the Board and four by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications. It
is co-chaired by a member representing the Board and another representing
the Ministère. It ensures the implementation and follow-up
of the terms of the agreement, and drafts administrative policies
related to the management of the program. |